Storielle - Architecture

December 11, 2022

Storielle is a unique app that makes it easy for users to share YouTube videos on Instagram stories. At the core of Storielle’s architecture is a combination of an iOS app, a Python Flask API, an S3 bucket, a NextJS dashboard and a Supabase DB.

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The iOS app is the main way that users interact with Storielle. It allows users to easily share Youtube videos on their Instagram stories. The app has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to quickly customize and share amazing stories.

Behind the scenes, the Python Flask API processes and the requests of the users. The API receives the video url from the iOS app and genereta a short 15 seconds video that saves it in the S3 bucket, a cloud-based storage solution. This serve as a cache as well because other users that want to use the same video, can get it right away without waiting for processing.

The NextJS dashboard is another important component of Storielle’s architecture. It provides YouTube channels Owners with a way to view and manage their static assets, that will be used as background for videos shared from their channel, as well as access other features like analytics and sharing options (WIP). The dashboard is built using NextJS, a popular JavaScript framework, and is designed to be fast and responsive.

The Supabase DB is used to store the preference of the YouTube channel Owner. The owner chan upload multiple assets, but then just one will be used as background, and this preference persist in the db.

Overall, the architecture of Storielle is designed to make it easy for users to share YouTube videos on Instagram stories. The combination of an iOS app, a Python Flask API, an S3 bucket, and a NextJS dashboard allows for seamless and effortless video sharing.

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Written by Vincenzo Cassaro - Your Friendly Neighborhood Data Engineer Follow me on Twitter